2016 Concert
2016 Concert with 603,738CZK raised. The first of our benefit concerts started off with a beautiful performance from the Chelmsford County High School for Girls.
2017 Concert
2017 Concert with 268,555CZK raised. Vojta Lavička and his colleagues played for us, with spontaneous music that helped immerse us in Roma culture.
2018 Concert
2018 Concert with 428,067CZK raised. Our guests were ECP graduate, Barbora Hořejší, and special guest, Mario Bihári and a variety of modern and classical music was performed.
2019 Concert
2019 Concert with 114,281CZK raised. The venue was the beautiful Baroque refectory of the Dominican monastery and our guests were Ida Kelarová and Čhavorenge, ECP graduate, Patricie Fuxová with Vesna. This concert was the most influential thus far.
2020 Art Competition
The 2020 Concert, unfortunately had to be cancelled due to COVID-19. It was an unfortunate situation since we had devoted that entire school year to preparing for the concert. We have also broken the long tradition of the annual Vaclav Havel Scholarship concert, but life goes on.
However, we were able to launch the first-ever Art Competition, which will now be an annual event organised by VHS, to raise money for the scholarship.
The 2019 Art Competition was a great success. The contributions will be part of the auction at the next VHS Benefit Concert.